Will you stand firm for your faith..??

<p Two Thousand years ago the perfect sacrifice for our sins finalized the forgiveness of sins for all who believe in JESUS as the Son of GOD….. That was the day that JESUS CHRIST the SON OF GOD willingly gave up HIS life as a sin sacrifice for our sins…. HE was brutally executed for claiming HE was the Son of GOD….Three days later he PROVED IT…by raising from the grave….. Which proves he could have called 10,000 angels and avoided the brutality …. HE could have easily just disappeared from earth after being rejected by those HE came to save… FOR 2000 years critics have been trying to prove HE was not the Son of GOD and trying to prove HE did not defeat the grave….. NOT one shred of evidence has been presented…… BUT 250 eye witnesses saw HIM after the FIRST Easter Sunday…. 12 faithful followers who trusted HIM gave their lives in brutal deaths and ONE, John survived being boiled in oil then sent to the mines at Patmos…….. NONE denounced their faith….. WHAT ABOUT YOU do you stand firm this Easter Sunday for HE who died so you might have eternal life…..????


Thursday…. the day before Good Friday…. Thursday the day of the Lord’s Supper where Jesus said break the bread as a symbol of MY body broken for you…. take this wine as a symbol of MY blood spilled for your sins.. TAKE in rememberance of ME….. TAKE this time to PONDER what JESUS did for you THAT YOU COULD NOT DO FOR YOURSELF>>>> have your sins forgiven through a PERFECT SACRIFICE

Value Life to solve gun violence..

Once again Congress and gun control advocates are trying to deal with gun violence…….They CONTINUALLY MISS a key factor…VALUE for LIFE…. the same people who CLAIM to be so concerned about protecting our children from gun violence support the murder of 1.3 million unborn children a year via abortion…… HOW can anyone take them seriously???? Deal with the VALUE OF LIFE and you can make real changes……. without violating honest citizens rights…